Monday, July 28, 2008

School Clothes Shopping

Well, Micheal, Justin, Jordan and I embarked on our annual school clothes shopping trip this past Saturday. It is a marathon day of shopping for school outfits, shoes, bookbags and pencils. I figure if I do it all in one day...then I won't have to do it again til Christmas time. After taking over an hour with Justin trying to find the right tennis shoes, I decided that I was an angel for my mother. I didn't have to have $80 Nikes or the runnning shoes with a computer chip in them that links with your ipod. I didn't have to the absolute best outfit with the latest trends in clothing. I didn't have to have the $50 backpack that only costs that much because it has a 1 inch Nike swoosh on the front of the backpack. I liked shopping at the Gap and Banana Republic, but I always went for the clearance items. I figure 10 shirts for $50 was better than one shirt for $50. So much more to wear. Jordan has also become picky about what clothes she will wear and/or buy. I kept suggesting items for her and she made this face at me like "you must have gone crazy mother, I would never be caught dead in that outfit." Let me remind you she is only 8. Micheal on the other hand was quite happy with buying three versions of the same shirt in different colors. He decided on white shoes and even pointed out that his shoes were only $30. (Maybe I could take the extra money he saved me and buy him a video game.) So for all you out there interested in my life... does anyone need a mortgage? Evidently I need to save money for the $110 shoes that have scientificly created bouncy things in them that make an 11 year old jump higher. And everyone knows that this will give him the edge he needs in playing basketball with his 15 year old brother.

1 comment:

Sarah said...


This is the scariest post I have ever read! Perhaps homeschooling Josh and Sam is a good idea after all? Thank God, though, that I don't have a girl because I KNOW her eyes would get stuck from rolling them at me so much! The Lord blessed me with boys because He knew that there was no way that I could handle a girl!!!