Monday, July 21, 2008

Lamb Day

Micheal and his troop at the flag raising ceremony. Micheal is on the stairs on the right side, second from the top. Micheal raised the Air Force flag. You can see the line in the back for breakfast.

Jerime's Aunt Leola, holding Sage, and his Uncle Bob waiting for the parade to start.

Jerime, Jackson, Justin and Jordan collecting candy thrown at the parade.

Jordan watching the competition at the Mutton Bustin' event

Jordan and her friend Hailey waiting to ride the sheep.

The big day finally arrived. Lamb Day is the big town celebration and we go at least double our 1000 people town. I starts off with a breakfast and flag raising ceremony, then a parade, then festivities at the town park. As a family, we all gather in the shade of a tree and just visit with everyone from town and relatives who came for the occasion. Last year Jordan participated in the Mutton Bustin' event. Kids ages 5 to 8 ride a sheep just like the big guys ride a bull. The whole idea is to hang on for dear life. She had a blast last year and wanted badly to do it again. This was her last year and she did really good. Go to to watch her mutton bustin'.


Hailee and Chet said...

Lamb day was so much fun this year wasnt it you have got such a cute little family. I hope all is well.

Hailee and Chet said...

Really People think they look a bit alike but I just dont see it haha. Chet is much cuter than zack is thats for sure. So how are you doing? Im glad to see your blog too Im just now starting to get the hang of things with it im excited to come into the blogging world it will be tons of fun. I added u to my page too. So you do know chets fam a little bit. He is such a good kid we have been dating for four years and three months. So anyways Ya I will talk to you later k. Have a wonderful day and your blog is way cute. Talk to you laters.
