Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Slacker Abby, Happy Birthday Micheal!

Sage hanging out underneath her play gym thingy. She looks impressed doesn't she. Little girl needs a new pair of shoes.....that always cheers me up!

Jordan showing off her new bed she got this weekend. We took out the big bunkbeds we had in there becuase it was crowing out her room and she needs some serious space for her dancing trophies.

Micheal getting ready to take on Jerime in Wii Table Tennis

Jackson's new big boy bed. He is not impressed with it at all. He will only get on it to turn the little cement mixer lamp on and off.

Justin tried several poses before settling on this one for me. He wanted to look so natural. He cracks me up.

Jackson found Jordan's hair accessory drawer. He is fascinated with the digital camera and asked me (in his non-talking way) to take his picture.

So I was recently informed by a long time friend that I am a slacker for not updating my blog. With summer coming to an end...it has been kind of boring lately and honestly I left my camera at the office. So last night I took the camera home and took updated pictures of everyone. Jerime was not impressed with my reason for wanting to take his picture. It was Micheal's birthday yesterday. He turned the ever exciting 13.We had already celebrated it with family on Sunday, so we decided to have pizza and play Micheal's new Wii game "Mario and Sonic at the Olympics" last night. It was a lot of fun. I took care of Sage and Jackson and laughed at Micheal, Justin, Jordan and Jerime pretending to run on a track. By the way, we found a new thing that Jackson will say: "yucky poo poo". He loves to say it and giggles whenever he does. We hope it leads to new adventures in the potty training department, but I am not holding my breath. Take care everyone!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ah, potty training. One of life's great joys, huh? You could always try my appraoch with Sam - wait until he is almost 3.5 years old and then do it very quickly in just 3-4 days because you want to be able to leave him at vacation bible school. I swear, I really am a good mom!