Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I wanted to include pictures of Sage's blessing June 1st. Grandma Mary got her the prettiest blessing dress and it came with a bow that actually fit her little head. Everyone looked so perfect that I had to take a picture. So there they are... Jerime is holding Sage, Micheal is holding Jackson, Jordan is to the left of Jerime and Justin is to the right of Micheal. You can even catch my reflection in the window.

First Posting!

Well, I am not much of a blogger...but it seems everyone is doing it these days. I actually thought this would be easier to post pictures here rather than sending pictures through email to everyone. Sage has acutally started sleeping in! She has skipped her 3 a.m. feeding the past two nights in a row. I am not counting on a repeat performance for tonight, but hopefully I will be surprised. I thought I would include some cute newborn pictures of Sage and Jackson. I hope everyone enjoys!